Your Very Own
Health Coach
Eat Well. Move More. Form good Habits.
Personalise your health to get the best results for your body.
What is a Health Coach?
Getting fitter and eating healthier is actually quite simple. Most people know that they should eat better and move more, but they have a difficult time translating that information into action. This is where a personalised health coach comes in.
As your personal health coach, I will help you to find what it is you need to do to be a fitter and healthier you. Finding those bad habits that are holding you back, ditching them, and forming some good habits to replace them.
Your Personalised Health Coach with ph360
I studied to be a ph360 coach and by doing my own personalised health profile, I found that I already enjoyed the foods and exercises that were recommended for me. But the profile has given me so much more than I expected.
As a personalised ph360 health coach and a personal trainer, I know that there is no quick fix and what may work for one person, does not necessarily work for another. I also know that ‘health’ is not just about food and exercise – stress, relationships, lack of sleep and environment all play a vital role in determining how your body responds.
Now, I can take what I have learned and help others accept who they are, make the most of their strengths, and learn how their weaknesses can even work in their favour. It all comes down to understanding your unique body and a ph360 health coach can help you get the most out of your unique profile.
You can learn more about my journey with ph360 on this blog post.
Virtual Health Coaching
Online Health & Wellness coaching offering ‘one on one’ coaching sessions at a time that works for you. We get to the heart of what it is that you need to do to live the life that you want. Each session is followed up with the support and information you need to fulfil your goals, whether that’s nutrition advice, an exercise plan or support for making those changes stick.
And it is so easy! Your coaching session can be in person, or in the comfort of your own home with various online options available – whatever works for you.

Eat Well
Fad diets don’t work long term, and most of them, are just really plain bad for your health. In addition, what works for one person doesn’t necessary work for another.
Eating well is about coming back to the basics of having a balanced diet and getting those portion sizes right. But knowing when to eat, how many meals are ideal for your body and the best macro nutrient mix (carbs, protein & fats), is crucial to optimal nutrition. The ph360 plan will give you this precise information for your body, and the scientific reasons behind the recommendations.
As a general healthy food guideline, there are two eating plans which consistently get voted the best, heart-healthiest diets. They are the Mediterranean Diet which works for most individuals who do not have a specific condition, and the DASH (Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension) eating plan which is recommended for people with high blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes. Both plans promote weight loss and healthy hearts
Move More
Finding ‘time’ to exercise is the biggest barrier to exercise. Exercise does not need to be a hard core, hour session to benefit you! You can easily break it up into shorter, manageable slots. Train smarter, not harder, by learning effective exercises that work your whole body and that are appropriate for you.
Moving more is about finding an exercise plan that works for you, and incorporating exercise into your everyday life.
All exercise plans are specifically designed for you by a REPs NZ registered Personal Trainer, so you are getting the programme you need.

Create Good Habits
Now this is the key to making those changes permanent and the essence of health coaching. Knowing how to form good habits makes getting healthier easy and I will show you how!
Here is a great short video by BJ Foggs and his Tiny Habits model, so simple but it works!
Health and Wellness Coaching
in Wellington, New Zealand
Our Private Studio is based in Lower Hutt for in-person personal training and Health Coaching. We can also work with you virtually from anywhere in New Zealand. Send us a message if you would like to know more.
Lower Hutt
Upper Hutt

Meet Pam
Your Personal Trainer & Health Coach
Many years ago, I was a 40 cigarette a day smoker, overweight, pursuing a career in the shipping industry and not very healthy. If someone had told me then that one day I would be a personal trainer and health coach, I would have laughed, and my friends and family would have had a good giggle too!
Pam is a Certified
Personal Trainer, Health and Wellness Coach

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Fill out the form and let’s work together to get the best results for your body and health.