Opposing HealthTypes: Diplomats and Activators
Jun, 2022
The personalised health ph360 program is a ground-breaking health and wellness program that takes your genes and physiological type into consideration. This means that your fitness and health plans are personalised for you in a way that will work best for your unique body.
There are six distinct HealthTypes in ph360 program, and everyone falls into one of these groups. Although no 2 individuals in a specific healthtype are the same, (they will have influences from different hormones), they will share some common characteristics.
Two of those HealthTypes are the Activator and the Diplomat. Let’s take a closer look at each one, and the key differences between them.

Photo by Filip Mroz on Unsplash
What is the Activator HealthType?
The Activator HealthType might often be called ‘athletic’. They are naturally small in stature, with small hands and feet. They are usually toned with a medium build, and if they do put on weight, it goes on evenly across the body.
Activators often have a square or angular jaw, and these sharp lines carry on through the body as they tend to be V-shaped or square overall.
In terms of non-physical attributes, the Activator loves competition and challenges, seeking out variety and new things every day. They are lateral thinkers and problem solvers, and much like a lion, they are agile and quick to react.
Their dominant hormones are adrenaline and testosterone, and if they don’t eat often, they may become ‘hangry’.
What is the Diplomat HealthType?
Diplomats tend to be in the medium to heavy weight range and medium to tall height range. They are not naturally lean, and while their body shape can vary, it is often either apple or pear.
This HealthType typically is strong and does best with heavy resistance training and steady cardio. It’s not uncommon for the Diplomat to carry extra weight.
Slow, strong, and steady, the Diplomat is like the dependable buffalo. They are calm and easy going with their dominant hormone serotonin, and tend to take their time thinking things through.
The Diplomat thrives on a high vegetable based diet and only needs to eat 2-3 times per day.
What are the main differences between Activator and Diplomat HealthTypes?
Activator and Diplomat HealthTypes are worlds apart. They sit directly opposite one another on the HealthType Circle, and have very different physical traits.
Where the Diplomat is medium or tall height and weight, the Activator is short and lean. Where the Diplomat is rounded with apple and pear shapes, the Activator is all angles as a square or V-shape.
As a result, the two HealthTypes require very different approaches to their health and wellbeing programs. They are best eating different foods, working on different exercise programs, sleeping at different times, and much more.
The Activator is all or nothing, so they will get optimal results by putting all of their energy into exercise during the day, then taking the time to rest completely. The Diplomat is slow and steady, so their best results will come with a slower start in the day and planned, consistent exercise in the afternoon.
Now imagine if you’re a Diplomat HealthType and have been trying to get fit using a plan that’s better suited to an Activator all these years – not only would it not work particularly well, your life could have been so much easier, and less stressful, if you had a personalised health plan suited to your specific body!
Your health assessment
All it takes is a health assessment with Pam to discover not just your HealthType, but the best foods, sleep cycles, workout styles, and much more for you.
Stop working for your health program, and let your health program work for you with personalised health.
Get in touch with Pam today to claim your free consultation.